Our Programs
TSF is dedicated to providing non-medical support needs of patients and families, while increasing the overall public awareness and understanding of ALS. Through targeted, non-medical support programs, The Susie Foundation seeks to improve the lives of ALS patients and their families by reducing caregiver exhaustion and delivering peace of mind through community support. TSF also strives to create meaningful service opportunities by helping its volunteers discover meaning while contributing to their community.
Flex Grant Program
The Flex Grant Program seeks to aid families impacted by ALS by providing financial assistance to those families with expenses that are not traditionally covered by private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and other assistance programs. The program offers financial support through reimbursements to help cover the costs of respite care, adaptive devices not covered by medical insurance, certain medical expenses and equipment, as well as home modifications.
Grants are awarded biannually through a selection process administered by our Board of Directors and based, in part, on the availability of funds. First time applicants, as well as those exhibiting dire and/or debilitating personal, psychological, familial, medical, or financial circumstances may be given priority.

Days of Service

Susie's Days of Service are one-time community service projects designed to fill an immediate, self-identified need of a homebound ALS patient, their family, and caregiving network. Conducted on an on-going basis, Days of Service bring together volunteers and local community partners to tackle home improvements and modifications, household cleanups, and other projects identified by patients, families, and caregivers.